Monday, 11 August 2014

Become a PADI Instructor with the IDC Gili Islands November 2014 and have a Merry Christmas | PADI IDC Gili Trawangan


What better way to celebrate Christmas than becoming a fully qualified PADI Scuba Diving Instructor?

Our November PADI IDC Indonesia Program starts on the 28th of November and runs through to the 8th of December. Once the program is finished candidates will need to sit their Instructor Examination, which will be held on the 9th and 10th of December. Once PADI Instructors candidates will than take the Emergency First Response Instructor (EFRI) Course.

The Instructor training program is conducted by renowned Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod, who teaches the program to a level well over and above that generally expected within industry.

During the course candidates will not only follow the PADI IDC syllabus and gain exceptionally high results at their Instructor Exam, but will also gain a vast insight into how to conduct the full range of PADI programs. They will gain first-hand knowledge, experience and guidance from renowned Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod, who has spent well over a decided working within the industry.

Having worked in various dive related roles and in variety of worldwide locations. Our Course Director can provide valuable advice and job assistance when it comes to applying for jobs and advising candidates of what potential employers may expect from an employee and of course what candidates should expect from a potential employer. Having worked in a variety of locations our Course Director can also advise candidates of what expect from a particular location in terms of language, religion, culture, infrastructure and of course local regulations.

The program takes place at Trawangan Dive which was the first PADI 5 Star Career Development Center (CDC) in Lombok and the Gili islands and remains the only PADI CDC Center in Gili Trawangan. Over the course of 2013 our program has been constantly praised by PADI firstly by awarding us with the “Commitment to Instructor Development Award” and further more reclassifying our PADI Course Director as a Platinum rated PADI Course Director and later in the year awarding her with the “Elite” PADI Status.

The PADI IDC Gili Islands based program runs every month here at Trawangan Dive and is conducted on an 11 day schedule. During the program candidates will learn how to develop a highly rewarding and successful career as PADI Instructors. The program gives candidates the necessary tools not only ace the Instructor Examination, but to feel fully confident in starting this amazing new career.

The PADI IDC Gili Islands has an extremely remarkable success rate in terms of gaining immediate employment and many of the previous Instructor candidates can be found working at dive centers here in the Gili Islands, across Indonesia and beyond.

To see current and previous candidates during the program simply check out our Exclusive PADI IDC Indonesia on Facebook or view the IDC Gili IslandsVideo.